
Learn and teach skills
No matter where you are
No matter who you are
We promote blended learning and (offline) e-learning, and create all the tools you need
Empower yourself, empower others
With skills for livelihood, skills for life,
skills for change and sustainability
We promote blended learning and (offline) e-learning, and create all the tools you need
Your courses and Do It Yourself guides
always within reach
We promote blended learning and (offline) e-learning, and create all the tools you need
Courses in handicrafts,
agriculture, water management,
health care, renewable energy,
and much more
We promote blended learning and (offline) e-learning, and create all the tools you need
For all ages
For all ambitions
We promote blended learning and (offline) e-learning, and create all the tools you need
We promote blended learning and (offline) e-learning, and create all the tools you need We promote blended learning and (offline) e-learning, and create all the tools you need We promote blended learning and (offline) e-learning, and create all the tools you need

news   –   course app   –    projects   –    partners

Share knowledge, improve lives

SkillEd offers a versatile and lightweight e-learning solution – ideal when internet is slow or not available, and designed to facilitate collaboration between organizations.

Widespread education and joint action are key to addressing pressing global issues like poverty, climate change, food insecurity, and human rights. Therefore, we aim to make learning more accessible and cooperation between organizations easy.

SkillEd promotes a blended learning approach which is already successfully used in many different countries and learning areas, for example to train farmers in South America, Africa, and Asia, to teach in schools in Afghanistan or to make Ugandan refugee camps more sustainable.

Our e-learning platform, tools and contents are optimized for use in remote areas, developing countries, disaster areas and conflict zones


We are back in the office and can’t wait to dive into an exciting year full of new projects and collaborations. Here’s a sneak peek of what we have planned
Thanks to everyone who has played a role in our journey towards borderless education over the past months and years!
The SkillEd app is now available in the Google Play Store, for all your Android devices!
SkillEd is part of BUCRA Impact Cluster, which aims to prepare the Egyptian agricultural sector for the future by introducing climate-resilient farming methods and ensuring stable incomes for local fa

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Strategic Partners

The NABC aims to enable businesses to drive Africa’s growth in a sustainable and inclusive manner.
The Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO.nl) encourages entrepreneurs in sustainable, agrarian, innovative and international business. SkillEd participates in the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program as a partner of the Circular Refugee Camp consortium.
SkillEd is member of the Global Education Coalition, launched by UNESCO (The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization).
UNICEF is the United Nations Children’s Fund, working in more than 190 countries and territories to reach the most disadvantaged children and adolescents. Skill-Ed is a subcontracting partner of UNICEF in Malawi through Edukans. We are currently developing more collaborations for projects in Afghanistan and Sudan.
SkillEd and the UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) collaborate within the framework of the Circular Refugee Camp Project in Uganda. UNDP works in 170 countries and territories to eradicate poverty and reduce inequality.


Collaboration Partners

SALTA aims to spread existing knowledge, educate, share practical experience, demonstrate innovations, conduct research and develop new projects to deal with salinization.
AGXecutive, founded in 2015 in Bucharest, Romania, is the market leader for integrated HR-related and strategic consulting services for agribusiness in the Black Sea region. In collaboration with SkillEd, AGXecutive is working on digital agricultural training to reach more than one million Romanian farmers.
Bluvard Education Initiative aims to equip young people in rural communities with future-forward skills to thrive in a globalized and digital world. Bluvard Education Initiative and SkillEd collaborate in the LoL (Leader of Leaders) program.
LifexAgriculture Initiative (LAI) is a nongovernmental organization that seeks to connect with farmers across Africa. The mission: Promoting sustainable agricultural development in rural areas, improving food security, and thereby increasing the standard of living of farmers.
The Start Up Valley is a program initiated by the University of Abomey-Calvi (UAC) in Benin in 2014. The main missions are to support university graduates starting innovative companies and to reduce the unemployment rate of university graduates. They use SkillEd as a tool to train the young entrepreneurs.
SEMiLLA IPStar is technology transfer partner and member of the MELiSSA Space research consortium. Semilla Sanitation is one of several important partners in the Circular Refugee Camp project.
Connecting bright minds to develop innovative solutions for the strengthening of global food and water security. Among other things, we developed a blended training course with Resilience BV for professionals from NGOs and the ARA-Centres in Mozambique to promote dialogue and make irrigated agriculture more sustainable and inclusive.
NWP, with headquarters in Den Hague, is a network of around 180 Dutch water organisations, working worldwide on co-creating future-proof solutions and catalysing global water impact. SkillEd and NWP collaborate on projects in Uganda and Vietnam.
Land Water Food aims for structural improvement and resilience of food production with a sustainable use of soil, water, and nutrients. In Vietnam Land Water Food and SkillEd collaborate, together with other partners, on a project about saline agriculture.
The Koppert Foundation offers solutions and educational opportunities that have a positive impact on social, economic, environmental and health circumstances. In collaboration with The Kopper Foundation and Feedback to the Future we develop blended training courses about food forestry for smallscale farmers in Makueni county, Kenya.
Impact Hub Khartoum is a social enterprise that aims to enable, inspire and connect local entrepreneurs.
Establishing regenerative and diverse food systems that provide an enjoyable healthy diet and, at the same time, actively restore nature. In collaboration with Green Banana Food, we are planning several training courses about sustainable food solutions.
Together with Feedback to the Future and The Kopper Foundation, we develop blended training courses about food forestry for smallscale farmers in Makueni county, Kenya.
EyeOpenerWorks is an international agency that helps organizations to create social and sustainable impact. Together, SkillEd and EyeOpenerWorks developed the Ukarimu app, which is used as a free tool for tourism and hospitality training in Africa.
Edukans focusses on quality basic education, vocational education, education in emergencies and equal opportunities for boys and girls. Edukans and SkillEd collaborate on different projects.
EWS-KT aims to improve the livelihoods of smallholder farmers in less developed areas of Africa and Asia. Via SkillEd, EWS-KT offers blended training for small scale vegetable farmers, currently in Myanmar and the Philippines.
CARE International fights poverty and social injustice in the world, with a specific focus on the empowerment of women and girls. SkillEd works together with CARE Netherlands and CARE Peru and plans further collaborations with CARE Egypt, CARE Afghanistan, CARE Ghana and CARE Rwanda.
The Center for African Women Economic Empowerment (CAWEE) supports female entrepreneurs. Together with CAWEE and Resilience BV we develop blended learning courses for female entrepreneurs in Ethiopia.
The Blue Deal program aims to provide 20 million people around the world with access to clean, sufficient, and safe water. In collaboration with the Blue Deal partnership in Mozambique, SkillEd developed a blended learning course about water security, water allocation and water quality.
The foundation Aqua for All is working towards facilitating access to clean water and good sanitation for all. In collaboration with Aqua for All SkillEd developed a training for female water entrepreneurs in Mali.
The startup Ahkdur addresses the problem of post-harvest losses in Sudan. Ahkdur and SkillEd are currently planning a joined project in Sudan.
Africorp International (ACI) is dedicated to make both positive financial and social impact within the agriculture sector in Sudan.
Wageningen University, part of Wageningen University & Research, is the only university in the Netherlands that specifically focuses on the theme ‘healthy food and living environment’. We collaborate with Wageningen University on different projects, two of them are the Circular Refugee Camps (Uganda) and Saline Agriculture (Vietnam).
Euro Afrilink and SkillEd are jointly developing projects and approaches in Africa, in which we aim to upgrade smallholder farmers in different value chains, through the use of blended extension services.
MDF aims to foster competent professionals and to improve the functioning of organizations and networks to increase their positive social impact. MDF and SkillEd collaborate on different projects in West, East and Southern Africa.
iDE is a global effort that spans offices in 14 countries, encompassing 4 social enterprises, employing over 1,000 people directly, and indirectly enabling many more through our market-based approaches in agriculture; water, sanitation, and hygiene; and finance.